Monday, October 28, 2013

Forever Young

Another early morning for Jillian Micheals and I this time via youtube. The tricky part about doing work out videos at home and doing them so early in the morning is that I have to have volume loud enough to hear her commands but quiet enough as to not wake up my neighbors. I also have to be careful with the running parts in the video because the floor squeaks something fierce! I think the person below me might think a herd of elephants is river dancing or something! As of right now I'm in love with getting the work out over first thing and then having the rest of the day to do whatever I want. However, waking up earlier is not always so much fun.

As far as the eating part of my new lifestyle change I have realized a few things.... brace yourself it's a list!

#1 The amount of water I drink (124 to 160 ounces of H2O daily) makes me have to go to the bathroom ALL the time. I can give a pregnant woman a run for her money! I'm also pretty sure I could survive water boarding or Chinese water torture-however let's not go there!

#2 The juice I also drink in addition to all of the water makes people around me do a double take due to the color of the juice (it's like Army green). 

#3 Due to all of the juice I smell like carrots. Yes, carrots. 

#4 I never realized how much I used to snack in between meals. I guess it shouldn't be that big of a surprise but it is. 

#5 I'm still trying to find foods that are more filling. As of right now I get pretty hungry in between meals but that goes hand in hand with #4 and not allowing myself to snack so much. 

Tomorrow will mark 6 days of this change and I'm really excited to see by day 7 how much weight has either been lost (fingers crossed) or if sadly I did gain (which would be all water I'm sure!) how my body feels overall. Here's to new changes!

So, now that all of that is covered onto Monday stuff. Like I mentioned before I woke early to work out. The morning part of work was fine and I was able to stay on top of everything/get everything done but by the afternoon it all started to pile up again. Right before I was supposed to leave an issue came up which ended up causing me to stay late. I wish others would realize that I can't drop everything just be at their beck and call. I'm all about boundaries and I'm sure to enforce them in a clear and direct manner. Ugh!

Oh I almost forgot to mention that during my lunch break I completed one of the props for Halloween! It feels good to have at least one prop completely done! Tomorrow at lunch I'm hoping to complete another prop. 

Once I got home I tackled the stupid origami birds yet once again. This time I found a series on how to make one flippin' bird. An entire series for one bird!?!?!? It ended up taking over 8 minutes to make one stupid bird. That is stupid! I paused the videos at certain steps and was able to sort of make an assembly line with them. My arms and hands cramped up so I had to stop early but my goal is to complete the birds by tomorrow evening. Wish me luck! 

 7 folds in on all of the birds. I believe 11 more folds to go!
 The blue ones were in the middle of being completed.
The white, green, orange, and yellow birds at 7 folds. The top left blue 
birds completed and the bottom right birds almost done.

For music Monday I chose:Forever Young skip ahead to 1:04 for the song to start. Happy Monday!

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