Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Big baby

Last night I watched Frankenweenie, the Disney movie by Tim Burton. I was in the mood for a fun Halloween movie that wouldn't result in me having nightmares for the next 9,087 years! I knew the movie was going to be:

#1 dark because Tim Burton directed it but I like his other movies
#2 the dog was going to die because he had to come back as a Zombie but I figured it was a Disney movie so I was safe

So, after watching the movie there is no way I'm ever watching it again or letting any child I know watch it! The movie was way too dark and sad. The entire first half of the movie builds a relationship between Victor (the little boy) and Sparky (Frankenstein dog) that just tugs on your heartstrings. Then BAM you are struck with grief! Maybe I'm not as a morbid as I think? I think I'm a big baby when it comes to animals and of course a whole lot more. Speaking of....

I know I don't like spicy foods. I think ketchup is spicy enough. I know, I'm weak! Well today at our quarterly potluck for work one of my co-workers, Amy or as I call her Yma (pronounced WHY-ma), made butternut squash soup. She made a HUGE pot of it and said she added only a 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper. I was feeling the heat the whole time I ate it. Later in the afternoon I had the worst upset stomach. I'm seriously a big baby. Yma suggested drinking peppermint tea and now I'm back to normal.... well my normal! Ha!

I've been loving my new Microsoft office on my mac thanks to my little brother, Brandon. I've been able to putz around and see what's new. It's my geek trying to come to the surface!

I would like to say THANK YOU to whomever is reading my blog!!! We have reached 700 page views!!! Wowzzers!!!!  (Random note- spell check says to change that into womanizers! LOL!)

The past two nights I've been sipping tea, listening to Pandora and lighting candles. It's the perfect way to end these cool crisp fall days. Nighty night!

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