Saturday, November 30, 2013


So, I'm finally getting to my Thanksgiving post.... I'm going to choose to blame it on all the turkey I ate-it made me lazy!

For Thanksgiving my family which included my little brother Brandon and his girlfriend Becky, my parents, my sister Heather and her fiance' Edgar all met at Edgar's parent's house. I was in charge of desserts so I made way too many as usual! I didn't take a picture of everything I made because honestly I didn't think of it. I made three pumpkin pies with homemade pie crust, two cheesecakes, 2 dozen quadruple chocolate chip cookies (I modified the recipe to have 4 different kinds of chocolate) cookies, two dozen no bake cookies, fresh whipped cream and a jello salad.

I did a lot of prep over the week like one day I made all of my pie crust, one day I made the jello salad and one day I just baked everything. This picture is of my completed pumpkin pies and of some dark chocolate chip cookie dough I made for my little brother. The pies made my apartment smell amazing!!!
 On Thanksgiving we were all getting together later in the day so I was able to sleep in and have a leisurely day. Packing everything into my car was a challenge.... I had to also bring two dinning room chairs. It was a tight fit but I was able to get everything in my car.

Before we ate we all played with my 'nephews'. This is Dexter and 
he is addicted to tennis balls! I love how he sits like a frog!
 This is Izzy. He is the oldest at 8 years old.....he's my favorite!
 This is Rupert the middle child at 6 years old and the 
only one to somewhat hold still for a photo!
 This is Dexter the youngest at 4 years old and he can't 
sit still becasue he wanted his tennis ball so bad
 My sister and I.
 Becky, Izzy, Rupert, and my Mom.
 Siblings! I love how the picture frame decoration 
make it look like my sister is wearing a crown!
 Me, Becky and Heather.
 My Mom, Me, Becky, my Dad, and Heather.
 All of the girls:My Mom, Me, Becky, Heather and Maria (Edgar's Mom).
 Edgar's Mom made over 100 rolls for all of us from scratch! 
She sent Brandon home with a huge bag!
We had a lovely Thanksgiving meal of buttered steamed carrots, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, gravy, rolls, turkey, cranberry sauce, sauteed brussel sprouts, deviled eggs, seven layer salad, sparkling cider and assorted desserts=all so YUMMY!

After dinner some of us watched a movie, fell asleep on the couches or played apples to apples. It was a very enjoyable, comfortable and very filling day! 

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving day 
spent with people you love! Blessings to all!

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