Monday, November 18, 2013

Send me on my way

I had a hard time sleeping last night because I was so excited/anxious about my first day. It reminded me of my first day, insert any year, of school. I woke up and made myself do a Jillian Micheals work out. I hate doing them but after I feel so much better.

Karina and I car pooled so bless her heart she had to listen to me ramble a hundred words a second the whole way to work. Once I walked into my new building Diana came in and brought me these:
She's a sweetheart and it was so thoughtful of her! The day was fine. I did a lot of observing and watching. Tomorrow I will be able to do more. Fingers crossed I will get this all down soon!

Once off of work I went to the store to get the ingredients for a soup I have been promising Brandon for quite some time. I will post about the soup later.

Music Monday: send me on my way. It's very fitting for my new adventure at work.

For now my brain is full of new information and it's time for bed.

1 comment:

  1. Howdy! I found my way to your blog from PioneerWoman's blog. I hope you have a great time at your new job! I read that you're a PTA. I actually work with PTs, OTs, SLPs at a pediatric facility. It's so fun to work with them! *random stranger hugs*
