Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Happy Dance

I know I didn't blog yesterday.... it was Monday and it was AWFUL! So awful in fact that I didn't exercise, I made a double batch of cookies and I had a nightmare that I had to chop down a bunch trees to fuel a fire that powered the fax machine. It was most defiantly a Monday from hell.

However Tuesday was marvelous! Everything is starting to make sense and I sort have a system down. I was so happy to complete my work on time that I did a happy dance.... yes.... a happy dance.... no saw me as I was tucked away in my cubicle. HA! 

This year for Thanksgiving I'm in charge of the desserts. I decided to make two pumpkin pies, one cheesecake and possibly some cookies. Well, I started out by making two pie crusts ahead of time and then tonight I made the filling. I originally only wanted to make two pies but I had so much filling left over I made another pie! So, three pumpkin pies later and I'm sure I still had enough for a fourth pie! I followed the Libby's pumpkin pie recipe on the can to a T. Somehow though I still had lots left! I debated about making a custard of some sort but realized that I run out of pans to bake in. Sheesh!

I also made a batch of oatmeal dark chocolate chip cookie dough for my little brother. I put the bags in the freezer and will give him those along with a bunch of other food I made for him when I see him on Thanksgiving.
Here's my Tuesday creations: Three Pumpkin Pies and Two 
bags of Oatmeal Dark Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.

While I was making the oatmeal dark chocolate chip cookie dough for my little brother I decided to call him expecting him not to be home but to my surprise he was! We talked for almost an hour. I love that kid so much! He has a fun, easy going, caring personality. Can you see why I'm sucker for making him so many things? 

Here's a picture of my siblings and I from our Uncle's wedding in April 1995. My little brother is rocking that red bow tie! I love him so much and I'm so proud of him..... did I mention he's a sophomore in college.... anyway.... he's the BEST!

Here's to more Thanksgiving prep and being thankful!

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