Sunday, November 24, 2013


Here's a re-cap. I just didn't have it me to blog since last Thursday.... this new job is a whole lot to take in. 

So, on Thursday I was hoping to have more guidance/more time to learn a few things but I was given the reins and set loose. By Friday I found myself feeling WAY overwhelmed and at one point my eyes wheeled up with tears but then I realized that I was being WAY too hard on myself. This after all is a new job with lots to learn. I need to make my new mantra "You are still learning" and cut myself slack. I know this move into a new job would bring a different kind of stress and I need to realize that this stress will pass and to stop beating myself up so much. Just breathe. 

Oh I should also mention that one of my new co-workers, Linda, took me out to lunch where we ran into Vicky. It was nice to spend lunch with both of those ladies! 

Friday after work I went over to Brittany's house to take care of her animals as she was out of town. Toby was such a ham! He's just adorable! 
I ended up giving Toby a cookie (dog treat) and Thomas 
tried to take it from him. Silly kitty! 
 I have been doing a leg strengthening work out in the mornings instead of doing a Jillian Micheals workout because after running I'm experiencing shin splints. The leg strengthening work outs are also on youtube and only take ten minutes. 
On Saturday I went over to check on/feed Brittany's animals and Thomas (the above mentioned kitty) had opened the door that leads to the garage where the pet food is kept. The bags were knocked over and tons of food was missing. The animals had their fill. Normally when it's meal time the animals all come over and wine or beg for their food but nope..... they were all lounging about with fat bellies! Oh Thomas you silly cat! 

I then headed over to the animal sanctuary where a group work party had been organized. As I was driving over it donned on me... why in the heck did I shower prior? I was going to muck out stalls.... what was I thinking?? Blonde moment for sure!

Once at the sanctuary I was assigned Binky's coop. Binky's coop is a converted garage turned into two coops. It's called Binky's coop from the grant that was given. Binky was a cat that owner's loved him and made a foundation in his namesake. Anyway.... I was to clean out the coop with the help of a first time volunteer. I did one side and she did the other. Here's the before shot of the coop. 

I used a small shovel to scrape off 'stuff' (that's what I'm calling it!), moved 
the water buckets, moved the feed troff, and dusted the cob webs away.
Then I used a pitch fork, shovel and wheel barrel to take several loads of used hay to the compost pile. The dark spot in the lower right hand side of the picture is from where I spilled some water. I did one final sweep with the broom to make sure it was all tidy.
I used several flakes of hay to scatter hay everywhere and refill the 
nesting boxes. Next I refilled the water containers and put the feed troff 
back inside the pen. By this point the chickens and goose were pecking 
at the door to be let back in. I opened their door and they came running 
in to check out my handy work.
Inspecting it all! And here's the coop on the other side.
After the clean up was all done everyone gathered for a group photo. 
I'm in the back row fourth from the left... I'm sort of blocked but that's ok.
Now it was time to play with the puppies! The sanctuary was 
fostering 7 puppies that were adorable!
I tried to get all of them in one shot but trying to get them 
to cooperate was easier said then done.
Here's a close up of the sweeties  getting ready to sleep... love them! 
On Sunday I lounged about, watched hulu and netflix and stayed in my pjs. Sometimes being lazy is the best! 

Later in the afternoon my friend, Nicole, called and we chatted for a little over four hours! You may ask what we chatted about for so long... well.... everything! When you have a best friend you just pick up where you left off and go from there. Nicole and I have been friends for six years and for almost three years she has lived out of state so we try to chat when we can. It's the best therapy to talk to someone whom gets you. Love her! This is us back in March of 2011.
Again March 2011. P.S. I loved my hair then!
So, now you have all been in the loop. I'm using this last bit of weekend to work on some Thanksgiving prep (I making two batches of pie dough for Pumpkin pies) and to prepare for the work week. Also, I'm reminding myself that I need to breathe and to not be so hard on myself during this next work week. Ta-ta for now!

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