Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesdays are so much better than Mondays

Greetings lovelies! How was your return to work? I think that we should all have three day weekends on a regular basis! Three days was enough time to forget all of the crap from the previous week but short enough not eat up all of my vacation days. That is what I call a win win.

I found myself having lots of extra pep in my step today for multiply reasons. P.S. I like to make lists :)

#1 It rained last night/this morning = a very happy me because that means fall is around the corner!

#2 One of my co-workers/friend/amazing therapist, Karina, gave me a jar of freshly canned peaches! Consider this your warning that I love peaches and I will NOT share with you, sorry but no way Jose.

#3 One of my other co-workers/the Tweedledee to my Tweedledum/second Mom, Vicky, got me this adorable plaque! It sums up everything!

#4 I FINALLY got my new monitor for work. I realize that doesn't seem like a big deal but just to give you an insight my old screen at work could only show one letter at a time on the entire screen and in order for me to send an e-mail it literally took me 36 minutes to form one sentence..... gotchya! My old screen was fine but with the new scheduling that I'm doing a new monitor makes me one happy girl!

#5 Lavender lemonade.... enough said.

At dinner with Brittany I had the epiphany, well it's more of a reoccurring epiphany, that some day all of my married friends will have little ones. Sometimes I feel that I'm lacking in that I'm not hitched and I don't have kiddos on the horizon. I keep telling myself that right now it's ok. I just need to accept that.

After dinner with Brittany with taco salad's and the above lavender lemonade I came home to find my very sweet neighbor Mona coming home the same time I was. Just to give you a back story I live in an old house that was converted into apartments. Our landlord has decided to sell and if I do say so myself she is hot to trot about it. My landlord keeps lowering the price. Every time she lowers it my blood pressure goes UP! I like my apartment and I don't like change. Any-who back to Mona. Mona and I had a long talk and she told me that she was moving out at the end of the month. It sucks because for once in the history of me living in this house I finally had a cool neighbor. Oh well, I'm learning very slowly that I can't have it all. Sigh.

I mentioned to several co-workers/friends/family that I have started a blog. I've received a lot of positive feed back but the one reaction I've received from few people is "what do you have to write about?" My answer is whatever I fell like with a big cheeky smile. I realize that a blog about myself sounds weird but I'm doing this for me. I'm committing to be true and to being me on here 100% of the time. I'm not going to sugar coat, bullshit (yes, I know it's a BAD word but I said it so get over it) or avoid my true feelings. Thanks for letting me clear the air. 

To recap today was a magnificent Tuesday and so much better than a Monday... that makes sense right? If not, just go with ok? Thanks.

So, how was your Tuesday? Did you survive all of the extra school buses? Did you hear the thunder storms last night? Are you wanting to crack open the jar of peaches and eat them all in one sitting? I know I do...

Remember to keep calm and eat a cupcake.

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