Friday, September 13, 2013

“Are we there yet?” Repeat every two seconds... (Sunday 9/8/13)

Remember when I said that I wouldn’t have internet? Well this huge novel encompasses what happened while I was Disconnected.

98.4 miles-That is the distance I drove today. I realize that for a lot of people that is nothing but when I normally drive 10 miles a day total so I was exhausted. Also, I’m used to only seeing maybe one or two pick up trucks with the occasional tractor. Well folks I went into the city and I was surrounded. I think living the ‘country’ has made me soft. When I go into the big city (HA!) I feel like I’m entering a whole new world. I will say that the big cities have fun stores and a while lot more variety in restaurants. I found one of these babies today and my heart skipped a beat! 

My grandma used to have them at her house as a treat for us. Let me tell you about there wonderfullness..... it’s a creamy cherry filling (with NO chunks-yeah!) covered in chocolate and chocolate covered bits of chopped peanuts. Whatever you do don’t look at the calorie content! They are like heaven in your mouth!

So, why did I drive all over today? Well, I’m sort of a big deal in the house sitting world. I house sit on average half of every month with 2012 being my busiest year ever! Now back to my answer.... I had to do a meet and greet at a new house. I had to drive to Oregon City and in the process get lost! After four phone calls, at least 150 million three point turns, and several turn arounds I made it! After my orientation-I’m calling it that even if it sounds too formal-I headed back to Silverton to pack up my stuff and tidy up my house because I was headed to West Salem for yet another house sitting gig. On my way to West Salem I stopped in North Salem to deliver a walker to a former patient who accidentally left it at the facility. On my way to West Salem is where I stopped at one of the big city stores and found the above mentioned cherry wonderfullness!

Upon arriving in West Salem’s house sitting gig I was greeted by a chubby chocolate lab named Buddy. I have house sat at this house several times- at least twice already this year alone- and Buddy ALWAYS ignores me the first few days. I think it’s his way of saying that he misses his family but eventually he gives in to my charms of pets, tennis balls, and games of fetch. He is currently ignoring me but I know he will cave and eventually we will be friends.

Oh due to my awesomeness I was able to recover the accidentally deleted photos! Thus the added photos:

Warrior Dash!


Pumpkin Spice Latte and Pumpkin Scones!

 Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting!

Oh I forgot to mention but I FINALLY talked to my little brother, Brandon, (FYI I sometimes call him Jo Jo) while I was packing up/cleaning at my house earlier in the afternoon. I explained to Brandon as best as I could about the Friday situation at work while maintaining my gag order from HIPPA. Bless his little heart because I couldn’t really say anything about what had happened. I’m sure sometimes he just rolls his eyes at my silliness but I felt adamant about letting him know how much this bugged me and how much I loved him. He listened so nicely and politely the whole time while I rambled on like an idiot. Again bless his little heart.

There is a special place in my heart for my siblings. They get me.... I mean all of me. As we have grown up and learned about each other as adults I feel like we are closer and tighter. No one else in my life will ever have gone through, survived, endured and thrived alongside me like my siblings.

Christmas 2011-L to R: Becky, Brandon, yours truly, Heather and Edgar.

Enough mushy stuff it’s bed time and Buddy says light off.

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