Saturday, September 28, 2013

Raining sideways, upside down, and diagonally!

This morning I woke up at 7:27 am, looked at my alarm clock and I thought I had over slept for work. I flew out of my bed and in the process smacked the outside of my ankle on my bed frame which hurt like a son of a gun! I had to cover my mouth with both of my hands to keep from screaming like a banshee! Once I was upright I realized that it was in fact Saturday and I could go back to bed but my poor ankle was throbbing and wouldn't let me. So, after some ibuprofen and ice I fell back asleep. I re-woke up at 11:42 and decided I should actually get going. Before you think I sleep way too much let me tell ya that I typically sleep in a LOT on the weekends. I can't take naps like a normal person so once I'm asleep I'm typically out for a long time.

I needed to go change David's bandage from his accident.... remember this? So off I went in the crappy fall weather. It's actually sort of pretty if you are watching it form inside curled up with a book and some apple cider. 

Once I got to David's house I was able to get the dressing change done. I did take pictures of it but I think I will spare you and only show you this one: 

All done and re-bandaged! 

I ended up saying at their house for a bit and loving on this sweetie some more. The power went out due to the weather so we all piled up in my car and headed to town for a late lunch at Arby's. 

Once we got back from Arby's we decided to play a board game because the power was still out. Heather (Bonnie's other daughter... not to be confused with my sister), David and I played Risk. In between our turns I took more pictures of this sweet baby girl...

ok one more....

Isn't she cute????

Right after playing Risk the power came back on. Heather and I were going to start dinner but needed a few things from town. I suggested my Alfredo recipe and everyone agreed! 

So, I jumped in my car and headed back to town. On my way there it rained sideways, upside down, and diagonally! Right as I came to Cascade highway I almost crashed into a down tree. I slammed on my brakes and stopped right in front of the tree. I put my emergency flashers on and went outside to try and move the tree. Looking back that was a stupid idea. It was dark, rainy, windy and all I had on was a t-shirt and jeans. I was able to pull the tree over a bit to open part of one lane but there was no way I was going to be able to do more than that. I got in my car and headed back on my way. Well... the roads had water running over them making rivers everywhere. I called Heather and told her that I wouldn't be able to come back for dinner or help with dinner at all because there was no I could safely make it back. She understood and told me to be careful. I attempted to go home on Cascade highway but it was so washed out that I turned onto Evergreen. Well, Evergreen was worse but I felt like I couldn't go back so I pressed on. I eventually made it to Howell Prairie. I stopped at the train tracks and began to cry because I felt like I would never make it home, my gas light came on and my cell phone had no bars. I just kept thinking how nice it would be to have my knight in shinning armor drive up in a super tall truck and bring me to safety. Well, that was not going to happen so I wiped my tears, said a little prayer and forged on. 

Once in town the main roads were also washed over so I had to be very careful not get stuck and I had to avoid other cars too. The first gas station I came was closing and putting up sand bags. I continued on and made it to Roth's where I was able to fill up and get a few groceries for dinner.

When I got home I made a grilled cheese sandwich, tomato soup, rice crispy treats and apple cider. It was defiantly a comfort food night. Paul (Bonnie's hubby and David/Heather's dad) texted me to make sure that I made it home safely. It brought tears to my eyes because I knew that someone was thinking of my safety. I'm thankful to be home and glad that I left when I did because it's only raining more and more. Thank goodness for pity parties, prayers and text messages.

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