Monday, September 16, 2013

3 Strikes

Remember how I was saying to cross your fingers so Monday wouldn't suck? Well apparently neither of us did!!! 

Strike 1: My day started off at 1:19 am... yep ladies and gentlemen 1 freaking 19 in the morning! I live in an older home that was converted into apartments. My landlord is trying to sell it our from under us... anyway... someone, I suspect the drunk lady in Apt. B, of either being drunk or more than her normal level of drunk. Anywhoo...someone was slamming doors and smashing stuff. It only lasted a few minutes. I was somewhat prepared to do do some stern talking to but it ended and I went back to sleep. After waking up at a proper hour and getting ready I headed to my car. The drunk lady in Apt. B was smoking a cigarette on the font steps. As I passed her she said in the most slurred words possible, "thaaa ssshhherriess r ull ouuvver thaaa thsstteppss agggguun." I know I'm not supposed to judge others but I don't understand why people purposely impair themselves. I guess I would have more compassion if I hadn't been woken up at 1 freaking 19 in the morning!

Strike 2: Work WAS going well until a few things came up. Due to HIPPA, my gag order for life, I can't say what all happened but I will tell you that I feel so under appreciated and passed over. We had in-service a few weeks ago on ethics and in the start of the meeting someone read a story to set the tone. The part that stuck the most was "Willing to put up with less than the best." I can't get this out of my head! Rolls eyes.... I will forever hate Mondays!

Strike 3: My feelings towards my singleness (is that a real word?) come in go in waves of feeling ok about it to feeling totally worthless. Well, folks today was a worthless day in the kingdom of singles. Sometimes being single absolutely sucks! Would like to hear why? No? Well tough.... here is goes...

1) I have a flashlight that needs new batteries and for the life of me I can't get the damn batteries out! Several attempts by co-workers got one of the stupid things out but alas no luck. :(
2) There was a HUGE spider on the compost lid and it almost TOUCHED me! I may never compost again because of this!
3) After a long day it would be nice to come home and feel appreciated, loved and cared for. 

So, strike 3 goes to the universe for screwing up my (non existent) love life and reminding once again that I can only count on myself. 

Go to hell Monday.

A cup of tea, Cage the Elephant, and a puzzle for me will hopefully pacify me.

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