Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Guess what day it is?

Today was a good day.... it didn't start out that way though.

My stomach and I decided to have a boxing match that caused me to be late for work. My stomach finally calmed down around 9 ish. I'm still trying to figure out what the issue was. I know it wasn't the previous night's diner.... no name soup ... because Karina didn't get sick. Hmm..... if only I had Dr. House to diagnosis me! HA!

Once my stomach and I became friends again the day was actually quite nice. I was able to get everything done and still have time to finish up some other projects which made me oh so very happy! I needed a good work day..... and someone posted a clip of this above the copier machine which I'M SURE made all of the difference. Just in case you don't know what I'm referring to: Geico Camel. I can watch that video over and over and still laugh EVERY time!

I start house sitting again tomorrow. This time at a new house with new animals to love! With that in mind I needed to get my place in order. So, the entire evening I cleaned, scrubbed, mopped, dusted and made a never ending to do list. I don't know if you know this but I'm in love with Clorox! It's works on everything in my place! You should try it out! BEST CLEANER EVER!

I have to wake up at the crack of dawn tomorrow in order to get some things on my to do list done and make it to Woodburn super early for my car's oil change/new sparks plugs. Off to dream land I go!

How was your hump day?

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