Monday, January 20, 2014


I volunteered at my favorite animal sanctuary once again....

Here's our after shot of volunteering.
I showed up a few minutes early so I was able to get ***in my opinion*** the best job.... cleaning out the puppy pen! Now, before you go and think I'm crazy for WANTING to clean out a puppy pen know I love puppies and I can't understand people who don't. Here's the sort of before shot.
The 10 sweet babies waiting for me to finish cleaning. Can you see the little love bug in the back howling?
All clean and ready for a parade of puppies!
This heaven for me. Absolute heaven!
I had a heck of a time getting out of the pen but once I did I 
wanted right back in. How can you resist these faces?
After such an exciting morning they crashed.
But like puppies still had energy to watch as I made them some toys.
I used scrap fleece that I cut into strips and then braided/knotted to make tug of war ropes. Or more realistically something for them to chew on besides human hands. You should see all of the puppy bite marks all over me!
After a few of minutes of watching me they were asleep once again.
I encourage everyone to volunteer anywhere.... meals on wheels, the animal shelter, the senior center.... ANYWHERE! Volunteering is very rewarding and fulfilling.... and if I do say so myself heavenly!

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