Monday, February 10, 2014

Manic Monday

This morning I was unsure if I would be going into work or not due to the weather but because of this variable I tossed and turned all night long. You know the feeling you have the night before the first day of school you dream that you over slept or show up to school in your pj's. It was one of those kind of dreams.

Once it was decided that I could make it into work my Monday began. Due to the office being closed since early last Thursday there was a lot of paper work that had piled up. I began to fell overwhelmed with the amount of work before me. I felt a lot like this squirrel right outside my window. So close to reaching my prize (for me getting everything done) but yet so far away.
I was able to divide and concur which helped but I know tomorrow will bring unfinished projects. I'm such a perfectionist with projects that I drive myself nuts. Ha..... nuts.... squirrel... this is SERIOUSLY how my brain works! Ok, back on task... projects....

Speaking of projects I'm almost done decorating my new place. I moved a grouping of pictures from one wall to another which now looks amazing but now I have a blank wall. I went onto pinterest and was sucked into for a good hour but no luck. Still thinking about what to put on the wall. I know I want some sort of collage of family pictures. 

Again another project Valentine's day cards. I need to go work on those so they arrive in time. Who's your valentine? I'm celebrating single awareness day! HA!

Music Monday is Manic Monday because well it was manic. Thank goodness Monday and the snow are all behind us!

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